Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
David Adams for "The Finch Hunter"
Farah Ali for "The Effect of Heat on Poor People"
Roberta Anthes for "My Bo and Me"
Allyson Armistead for "Jolt"
Garrett Ashley for "Just Calling to Say I Love You"
Wilhemina Austin for "Your Pep Talk Off the Bridge"
Steven Axelrod for "Grass Angel"
Taylor Banks for "Please Forget What You Have Learned"
Jessica Barksdale for "Accepted Forms of Ruin"
Kristofer Barr for "Cannibalism"
Janet Barrow for "The Portrait Artist"
Zachary Beasley for "What We Know"
Chaya Bhuvaneswar for "Talinda"
Jessica Bonder for "Animals"
U.R. Bowie for "An Eye for an Eye at the Hands of the Head"
Matthew Brown for "Leon Viejo"
Jeanne Bryner for "The Renter's Sons"
Gary Buslik for "St. Maarten"
Danny Calegari for "Solve for X"
Josef Carlson for "The Gentle Sway Over Tall Grass"
Jennifer Carr for "The Shot"
Mari Christmas for "Free Swim"
Christi Clancy for "Mocking Season"
Paul Cohen for "Manifest on Earth"
James Cole for "F.A.Q."
Kathy Conde for "Bittersweet"
Rob Couteau for "Freddie"
Katharine Duckett for "A Change of Climate"
Kris Faatz for "Shaping the Clay"
August Failla for "Xiong on the Odds"
Eriel Fauser for "Juice"
Natalia Fernandez for "The Contents of a Life"
Soma Mei Sheng Frazier for "American Industry"
Jonathan Green for "Awanoch"
Cary Groner for "What We Talk About When We Talk About Quantum Mechanics"
Michael Hawley for "Somerville"
Jim Henry for "For All the Fucking Good It Does"
Michele Herman for "Terry"
Gabe Herron for "Ferae Naturae"
Jean Ho for "The Night Market"
Kurt Hoberg for "My Mother, La Curandera"
C.H. Hooks for "Catching Spirits"
Michael Hopkins for "Static"
Shashi Ishai for "Bludgeoning the Halvah in a Candy Store on Atlantic Avenue"
Tamar Jacobs for "We Are Not So Different"
Olivia Jocson for "Return"
Andy Kass for "Teenage Werewolves"
Marc Kaufman for "Dream Eaters"
Tucker Kiessling for "Sparkle"
Jocelyn Krieger for "The Girl With the Red Cloak"
Angela Kubinec for "Gallery of Absent Things"
Allison LaSorda for "Badlands"
Gary Lines for "An Unregarded Man"
Grace Lloyd for "Crush"
Conor Robin Madigan for "Life Begins"
Joanne Martinez for "Strangers in Town"
Cassidy Menard for "Idle"
Dominic Mishler for "The Whole Damn World Was Upside Down"
Lisa Mitchell for "Leota Fogg"
William Moore for "Colorful Whateverisms"
Kent Nelson for "The Architect"
William O'Rourke for "The Opaque Eye in Golden Town"
Olufunke Ogundimu for "Behind Our Walls"
Steve Pantazis for "Purple Orchid Eater"
Judith Peck for "Testing"
Jan Pendleton for "Desert Bloom"
Jean Ann Pollard for "China Vases"
Corey Pung for "A Stirring of New Life"
Melissa Ragsly for "I Am a Gift"
Trish Reeves for "The Day After Christmas"
Karen Rile for "The Other Fathers"
Suzanne Rivecca for "La Llorona"
Jill Rosenberg for "If I Could Have Anything, I'd Only Choose This"
Ashley Sanders for "Bodies of Water"
Elizabeth Sanders for "Red, White, and Water"
Madiha Sattar for "Red Eye"
Richard Schmitt for "Motion Sickness"
Jeremy Schnotala for "Sand Angels"
Tamar Schreibman for "Expecting"
Kyle Semmel for "The Last Time I Would See Him"
Kascha Semonovitch for "The Midwife"
Melanie Senn for "Murray"
EG Silverman for "Beacon Home"
Patricia Smith for "The End of August"
Richard Snodgrass for "The Golden Road (to Unlimited Devotion)"
Eliezer Sobel for "Feigleman"
Joyce Thompson for "Collected Works"
Kate Tighe for "Bones"
William Torrey for "Freedom of Movement"
Anna Vangala Jones for "The Room"
Adan Velis for "Jesus Was a Socialist"
Shubha Venugopal for "How Will You Not Drown?"
Cady Vishniac for "Girls Girls Girls"
Jeff Wallach for "Mr. Wizard"
Barbara Weitzner for "The Banyan Bowers"
Jud Widing for "Has Anybody Seen Burton's Shoes?"
Paula Yoo for "These Broken Places"
Ezra Zonana for "Hypnagogia"