Top-25 Winners and Finalists
1st-place winner:
Doug Crandell for "Manhood in the Veal Barns of the Hoosier Tundra"
2nd-place winner:
Matthew Lansburgh for "Enormous In the Moonlight"
3rd-place winner:
Katherine Hubbard for "Hamlet"
And the finalists, listed in alphabetical order:
Susanne Antonetta for "What Comfort to This Great Decay May Come"
Suzanne E. Barnecut for "We'll Be Fine"
David Borofka for "Flight"
J. P. Bustamante for "The Yellow House"
Brendan Delaney for "Scenes of My Family Dying"
Caitlin N. Fitzpatrick for "A Few Notes Regarding the End of the World"
Gretchen M. Flesher Duggan for "Gathered"
Bryan Fulton for "All the Names for Animals"
Lauren Kirshner for "Little Soldier"
Emily K. Lackey for "The Day Diana Died"
Paul J. Marasa for "Fires in New Jersey"
Jane E. McCafferty for "David Bowie Died"
Sean P. McCarthy for "The Channel"
Megan McNamer for "Funny Blood"
Kate McQuade for "Ten Kinds of Salt"
Gina Ochsner for "Put Your Trouble Under a Stone and Step Lightly Over It"
Jeanne Panfely for "Schematics of a Post-Pay System"
Adam Price for "How It Happened"
Olivia Scofield for "What You Have Heard"
Laynie Tzena for "Egg"
Cady Vishniac for "Remainders"
David Ye for "Verichrome"