Honorable Mentions, listed in alphabetical order:
Wilson R. Adams for "The Summer Lucky Strike Green Went to War"
Roberta Allen for "Weird"
Thomas Andes for "Summer People"
Cheyene R. Austin for "How to Kill a Jester"
Elizabeth M. Charles for "FRG Picnic"
Alix E. Christie for "The Dacha"
Moe Cidaly for "Summer Episode"
Paul A. Cioe for "Hunters in the Snow"
Meryl Cohn for "The Best Advice"
Steven M. Curtis for "Hobo Writer"
Lynn Davis for "Close Your Eyes and Think of Northern Ireland"
Barbara de la Cuesta for "Exiles"
Kurt F. Duecker for "Anders"
Laura Gabel-Hartman for "Ginger, 2000"
Steven P. Gehrke for "The Mirror Stage"
David D. Gillette for "The Year of Weightless Houses"
Joshua D. Graber for "Comic Relief for the Suicidal"
Daniel Greenspan for "The Beast"
David Huddle for "The Arrival of John Robert"
Philip M. Huynh for "The Abalone Diver"
L. W. Kline for "Things to Remember"
Jee Young V. Lee for "Adequacy"
Thelma Lumpkin for "Fair Warning"
Jennifer Zeynab Maccani for "Like Fig Trees in Winter"
R. L. Maizes for "No Shortage of Birds"
Daniel J. Martin for "To Life"
Michael McGuire for "La Doctora"
Vicky Mlyniec for "Accordioned Life"
Philip J. Moss for "Tides"
Scott Nadelson for "A Hole in Everything"
Peter J. Newall for "An Afternoon in Odessa"
Nicole P. Parsons for "Little Fire"
Osman Parvaiz for "I, Muslim"
William Pei for "Outings"
Horatio Potter for "Return"
Kurt Rheinheimer for "Shells"
Michael J. Rosenbaum for "No Love Song Is Ever Happy"
Jennifer Schaefer for "The Diplomat Motel"
Harold Schweizer for "Kriegszittern"
Emma N. Sloley for "The Things They Left Behind"
Richard S. Slotkin for "The Gambler"
Susannah Sulzman for "Ending"
Tamara B. Titus for "Exit Seekers"
Katherine A. Vaz for "The Thief of Small Things"
Shubha Venugopal for "Playing at Parent"
Alice Z. Weaver for "The Story of Moe"
Terry D. Williams for "The Blackout"
Justin M. Wilson for "Wound"
Jedidiah Woodard for "Correspondence"